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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Heroes TV Show

In our daily lives, ordinary situation needs extraordinary deeds. As well us ordinary people do extraordinary things. But not with these people, humans that has special abilities, the power to hear thoughts, to regenerate, to draw the future, to fly, to locate anyone, to move things, to bend space and time, talk to machines, power of illusions, to absorb the ability of others and other
extraordinary strengths. These are the few of the many powers displayed in the entwined lives and drama of the series...HEROES

The lives of the so-called "heroes" were interestingly connected. The story started with a mission to save a cheerleader in order to save the world. To accomplish this important task, the main protagonists Peter Petrelli, the man who can absorb every special abilities on his reach, teams up with Hiro Nakamura, a Japanese who can travel through time. They need to protect Claire Bennet, the cheerleader who has the power to regenerate, from a powerful villain named Sylar. If Sylar succeeds on his evil plan of taking away her healing skills, he will become immortal and everybody who has "special skills" will be he's next target.

In the middle of their mission, they've met other individuals with extraordinary skills and helped them along the way. They've succeeded the mission to save Claire. Unfortunately, Peter abosorbed an uncontrollable nuclear power that might be the cause of the destruction of mankind. By the help of his brother, Nathan Petrelli carried him to space and released the nuclear explosion above. By their heroic deeds, millions of lives were saved.

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posted by chApichundra at 5:16 AM


  • Heroes is a very scifi tv series I love their roles and all the cast did a great job more power to your show...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 16, 2007 at 12:39 AM  

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